Storage ideas for Memoir '44 Terrain Hexes and Tokens

I went through the entire facebook group history looking for ideas to store my terrain hexes efficiently and I found some really interesting ideas that people have submitted over the years. I will link them here, with all credits attributed and link to the original person that submitted it!

I decided against joining every submission into a single post as this would not allow for proper author credits; by using a post per “idea”, if the original authors decide to join the forum I will be able to transfer the post’s ownership to them!

Scroll down to see all of the wonderful storage ideas!


Charles Cabell suggests tennis ball tubes!

Still in the cylindrical shape, Doug Newman show how he reuses Pringles cans:

Bonus points for painting them and then sticking the expansion card around them to identify where each hex goes.

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Carlos Couto show his cool collection as well as some sort of tackle box where he keeps the decks of cards with a cool looking cardboard wrapper:

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Bruno Fortin not only was able to score a Campaign Bag (those haven’t been around in ages!), but he is also able to fit almost everything inside it – some hexes stay in a map tube:

Victor Manuel Garcia R. has had one of the most original ideas I’ve seen, by painting the sides of the hexes in the same color as the expansion, he is able to lay them down side up and quickly color code all of his terrain:

(Blue - Pacific Theater, Green - Terrain Pack, Yellow - Mediterranean Theater, uncolored - base game)

Bonus: a picture of how he stores his miniatures

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Anton Nieuwkoop also seems to prefer tackle / plano boxes to store terrain hexes, but he has a neat and organized way of referring to each hex by expansion:

Fun fact: Anton is one of the people behind the Dutch open tournament of Memoir '44!

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Hans van Ginkel also groups the hexes in separate containers of a plastic box for the base game and expansions.

I think Darren A. Dew has the most space efficient solution, as there is hardly any clear space for his setup. He uses one of the boxes from the base game / equipment pack or the new flight plan to store the terrain hexes, and he lays them on foam pieces covered with felt. I think that combined with the idea from Victor Manuel Garcia R. (painting the sides of the hexes), this would be one of the better setups.

If you thought you were happy with the suggestions so far, take a look at Dennis Maclaren’s idea! He printed some cardboard with a drawing that includes what both sides of the hex are. This way is able to quickly identify a precise combination of hex, which makes hex search much quicker (at the small cost of organizing everything neatly again at the end).

Bonus: A picture of each of his hex separators:

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Sean McBroom was able to take some suggestions from Anton and others and fit his terrain hex collection in a plano box. He used the color coding strategy as well:

According to Sean, this is enough to store hexes for: 2 base games, 1 terrain pack, 2 eastern front, 1 winter wars, 2 pacific theater, 2 mediterranean theater and 1 air pack.

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This is more of a collection picture than a storage idea, but Bazza Burman actually prefers to use the original boxes and store everything in them, even if he has 2 copies of each. For each M44 item he has in double, prefers to store the terrain hexes in one copy, and the miniatures in the other.

Another (older) suggestion of Darren A. Dew, a relatively high box where hexes are stacked all the way to the top. According to him, this was a good idea up until the box was full! After that it seems to have been a bit hard to get all the hexes in and out.

Rick Dore built a custom case out of a Canadian ammo box, which looks amazing:


Another original suggestion, from Koen Van Trappen. Stacking a Memoir '44 box on top of a Ikea Tjena box of 30 x 30 x 30 cm:

Aside from the tackle boxes for the terrain hexes, take a minute to appreciate both the numismatics booklet for the terrain helper cards as well as the army boxes which seem to be just the right size!

Next up is Joshua Forrest who uses a large organizer box with the hexes stored neatly in the lower compartments:

Looks very portable too!

Matthew Fedel seems to have a setup almost identical to Joshua, but he uses chit organizers for the faction tokens, which is also a really great idea:

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Andrey Cherepanov also shows his take on plano boxes:

Everything is so neat and packed! Seems to be very efficient as well.

Michał Sasiński links this awesome looking Memoir '44 travel bag:

These pictures were taken from John Taber’s post on this website.

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Michael Curley posted a storage idea for faction tokens, which blew my mind. It uses coin holders, the same that coin collectors use to store a bunch of tokens neatly. Works with round tokens (e.g. mines) as well as shield shaped tokens.