What stops you from playing? (and how can we resolve that?)

Do you have family nearby? (Same question for Ben_Phillis) My wife’s family also live in Prague. I get on well with them, but sometimes just my wife and daughter go to visit them for a couple of days, leaving me to have a lad’s / MM44 weekend! (Having great inlaws nearby is also a God-send for raising kids in general!)

'I have not found a way to play solitaire that excites me.’’
How about focusing on a campaign?
Recently I took a great interest in Pegasus Bridge - not just for MM44, but as a general topic. I decided to try out various scenarios to see which were the best; sometimes I didn’t even need to change the board layout for the next scenario. And now I am finalising my own scenario, which is a hybrid of two or three of them.
I have also played a lot of solo secenarios from the Invasion of Crete. I have always been fascinated by this battle (and remember painting some 1/32 Airfix German Paras years ago!).
So I am not necesarily playing a lot, but also researching, reading, and printing scenarios, all of which gets me excited and ready to play (which I will do just as soon as I have finished typing this!)

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