Tigerfibel - A compilation of the Tiger scenarios

Hi, I love using the Tiger Units in the games I play. Over a period of several years I have compiled a collection of about 140 Tiger scenarios. I have

  • Played them all.
  • Translated them into English.
  • Standardized the description of the rules.
  • Given credit to the author of every scenario and given the date the scenario was published.
  • included historical information to support the campaigns.
  • Divided the scenarios into Tunisia, Italy, France, Low Countries, Eastern Front and Germany.
  • Used the original Tiger Tank operation manual as a design brief for the project. Hence Tigerfibel.
  • Added some custom hexes and badges to improve gameplay.
  • This pdf is a free resource for all people who love Memoir 44.

Please take a look and feel free to download.


A truly epic effort. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, yes, it was a lot of work.