The Second Sino-Japanese War - Part 1: Prelude to War

The Second Sino-Japanese War: A Memoir '44 Campaign

Part 1: Prelude to War

Compiled by Semba

  1. Road to Qiqihar - September 15, 1931
  2. Resistance at Nenjiang Bridge - November 04, 1931
  3. The Siege of Taian - January 20, 1932 - October 28, 1932
  4. The Revolt of Ma Zhanshan - April 07, 1932 - July 01, 1932
  5. Kangbao - June 22, 1933

Did you ever download the pdf for the main campaign?(many of the others have this.) Days of Blunder is in the process of permanently deleting the forums and moving to another website which I assume will bust all of the links as well.

Of course the user page for Semba and probably everyone else has already been wiped out; destroy the most valuable information without giving the community any notice. :face_vomiting: