Summary Cards - is there any reason to have them different for each player?

Both parts are created in the Editor. The bottom part is a whole Breakthrough map and the top is a Normal map. (The software just ignores what is from the 7th row down.)

It doesn’t send the output to a printer. It builds the map from the Editor file and outputs an image for you to print out. As with all printing - check more times than you think you need, then check again.

You need the Editor to create the scenario files.

The image here: And so the painting begins… shows a map I printed a while ago (without Summary Cards) and on the file page on BGG there is an, albeit resized and in jpeg format, example of the output with cards. You may judge for yourself.

The editor does tell you how may of each tile/marker/miniature you need and allows you to select which expansions are used.

To be honest, printing maps is kind of the point of my program. It isn’t meant to be a design tool. The Scenario Editor already does that.

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