SeaPack - user created expansion

Over on the M44 page on Boardgame Geek, a group of users has created an expansion that concentrates on sea/air battles.
The files, including a rather splendid looking map are in the ‘Files’ section.
The download includes scenarios for the Battle Of Midway and the Coral Sea and there are a few photos of it in action in the ‘Images’ section.
It looks very interesting, and also made me think of Nick’s post here:Home made map Guadacanal
Available in both French and English versions.


looks very interesting thanks for the post i will contact them see what they think off the addition of a battleship and a submarine


Nice map, but looks more operational than the tactical map I was expecting. It will require a lot of naval rules.

It could be a cool new game allowing for many “What ifs?” The tricky part will be emphasizing the importance of the airfield.

Good luck!

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