Memoir 44 Online League starting soon!

Hello guys, just to let you know that sam1812, who organized the M44 WBC 2020 championship, has announced that the M44 online league from BGG is starting soon and you can sign up until november. I’ll let the link here in case somebody is interested. Read the rules on the BGG page, which is linked in the DOW forum post.

Here from M44Fans, I think @mrmanley31, @Maxjoezach and myself will be playing so far.

Very excited to play!

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If you are interested in tournament play or just desire to get better at playing, I highly recommend this tournament. It is a lot of fun and you will be playing against some of the very best players in the world! It won’t disappoint :grin:


We’re looking for 3 more players to fill out another division. It won’t be a big commitment on time, playing an average of 1 match a week for 5 weeks (then playoffs if you qualify). Give it a shot, it will be fun! :smile:

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