This one is quite good.
This is the video I made previously to help players get going with my module. It could do with an update. It also doesn’t completely explain everything about VASSAL, but a lot of it.
I’m a little new to this forum but am a M’44 enthusiast for maybe 7yrs-ish, and have been workshopping a solo variant which (a) does not involve a cumbersome AI/non-player units (NPU) and (b) does not make me ‘play’ both sides to win.
Piloted the following with a really pleasurable and rewarding experience, but may be tweaked with historical context (beginning number of command cards, drawing, etc)
1- Setup change:
Human player starts with x3 cards. The AI player draws only 1 card from the deck on its turn.
NOTE: Hand size will increase with unit scoring (NOT objective markers) for both sides.
2- Gameplay is not changed for the human player.
The AI player draws 1 plus non-objective level of its score in Command cards. If any grey ‘tactic’ command cards are drawn, the AI player places (1) military unit to a weakened unit on the gameboard. Priority is placed on objectives listed in #3.
NOTE: The ‘tactic’ cards ability may be used instead where its ability achieves AI’s priorities listed in #3.
3- The AI player mobilizes x2 armor (tank or artillery), x2 infantry units and x1 ‘specialized’ unit anywhere on the board which are (a) utilized to prevent attrition and (b) achieve mission objective(s). Priorities should be adjust for the AIs shortest path to victory (see #4)
4- Winning conditions are modified: The Winner is when the side with objective points achieve all its objectives (where only 1 side has objectives) OR the defender obtains all 6 points (where only 1 side has objectives) OR the first side to achieve all its objectives with 6 points (where BOTH sides have objectives).
5- AI tactical advantages are addressed by bolstering NPU on the battlefield, and by the number of cards being drawn increased as the AIs score increases. Default rule is that the AI draw number and the player’s hand size is limited to the score by destroyed units (not objective markers) to account for the other sides loss of morale due to attrition, and not lost objectives.
PERSONAL NOTE: I think the above mechanic works great with human players too. It’s been frustrating that the core mechanic is based on attrition instead of tactical achievements.
6- Challenge is adjusted by altering the limit of replacing units for the AI:
The AI player draws 1 plus non-objective level of its score in Command cards. If any grey ‘tactic’ command cards are drawn, the AI player places:
INTERMEDIATE: UP TO 2 military unit to a weakened unit on the gameboard. Player’s hand limit is set to 6.
ADVANCED: THE SAME NUMBER AS TACTIC CARDS of military units to weakened units on the gameboard. Player’s hand limit is set to 4.
7- Expansions may be easily augmented into this mechanic (looking forward to trialing with NFP and EP soon). Also encourage some mechanic tweaks for historical context to account for scenarios hand size & limits.
Good luck