So, I have long wanted to try out a Breakthrough scenario, but I never wanted to pay for said expansion/kit.
This raised the question of, can it be done without the Breakthrough map? You could put two normal boards together, like in the first photo, but of course there is an unwieldly overlap.
I have always thought it would be possible somehow, but it was a bit on an accident which led to me trying it out – my original (ten-year-old) board split down the middle!
So, suddenly, I was able to make a ‘’Breakthrough board’’ of my own! Ok, there are two overlaps, which can be a bit awkward, and the medal trays are not the full 12, but so what?!
I’m not advocating buying a second copy of the game and ripping the board in half, but that is just how it turned out for me!
A connected question is, can I play desert scenarios without a desert board? / winter scenarios without a winter board? Of course you can!
I have used various online resources to print additional tiles, etc. (which I know many people do not agree with) but recently I got some cheap second-hand expansions, so I now have most of the resources I need.
So, I am ready to do Breakthrough scenarios, and I just wanted to say to everyone that all you need is a bit of imagination and you can do the same.
Please look at my scenario report for Tobruk to see how I got on with my Breakthrough breakthrough!