80th anniversary- what are YOU doing?

Morning all. I’m just attempting to kick things off for the 80th anniversary of D-day. I hope we can all share our plans for the next week or so.
I personally will commemorate the big day with a quiet game with my young son, I hope to play one or more of the beach scenarios. If time allows, I might end up boardgamearena as well.

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Memoir '44 frontline have posted two excellent mini campaigns created by Jacques “JDROMMEL” David, one of the most celebrated designers.

The first is “US Airborne in the Hell of D-Day” and covers the drops on and around Sainte-Mère-Église.
It consists of 9 linked scenarios and is published in French and English - .M'44 - Frontline

The second is “Bloody Omaha Beach” and consists of 8 linked Scenarios. Also in French and English - M'44 - Frontline

I have not played any yet but I have been capturing them into VASSAL format and having great fun in the process. I have 2 Days left as the First Campaign begins on June 5th.

Here is a snippet from the opening chapter:

“Monday, June 5, night falls slowly on the Upottery aerodrome. Heavily loaded, with coal-black faces, you and your men are installed in the (3-47, the engines roar, the aircraft takes off in the night, heading for the French coast. Tuesday lune 6, 1 a.m., the plane shook all over, both engines were at full power. When suddenly, heavy flak fire strafes the sky with hundreds of thousands of shards of steel. The lanes dispersed, the formations were broken and several burning C-47s fell to the ground. With low clouds and fog, pilots get lost and no longer have the objective heading. A violent impact hits the plane, two of your men are hit, a gaping hole behind them announces the destruction of the cabin! The C-47 begins to gain more speed and lean to the left. Quick, the stick has to jump now or we all die! you think. And as soon as your order is given, the men jump one after the other, it’s your turn, the sail opens, a shock, the parachute is deployed! But, your leg bag (bag containing your equipment) comes loose from its strap and disappears in the night lit by flames, burning planes and enemy fire!
Welcome to Normandy.”

I look forward to playing them over the Anniversary Weekend and a big thanks jdommel and m44-frontline.com


That’s fantastic. Thanks for that. I will try and get into that during the week. What a brilliant archive too!

Apart from Game Play the other Compulsory Anniversary activity is to watch “the Longest Day” and this year it is available to stream or download from the Internet Archive.

B/W but still to this day the best ever WW2 movie ever made with Patton a close second.



Very apt. I’ve never seen it but heard only good things.

It seems Asmodee have woken from their slumber, and they have published some official 80th anniversary scenarios. I haven’t tried them yet, but well worth a look.

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Unfortunately it seems that all of those scenarios were already previously published, with most being custom scenarios by Jdrommel, a prolific memoir '44 scenario designer.

So I get the impression that nothing really new was produced for the 80th anniversary, unfortunately.

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