Historical Background:
After days of bombardment and two refusals to surrender, the Japanese finally launched the invasion of Hong Kong during the dark hours of December 18, 1941. Commonwealth forces had the advantage of searchlights that saw the first wave of troops coming in. They also lit up part of the invasion area with burning oil. Repeated efforts by the Japanese to extinguish the lights by bombardment failed. It was then that a Japanese artillery officer (and former Olympic swimmer) took it on himself to assault the searchlight personally and, in turn, inspire the troops. Initially,
the Japanese took casualties but their numbers were simply too great and despite the courage of the island defenders, a week later, on Christmas day, the British forces surrendered.
Allies 5 Cards. Axis 6 Cards; go first.
Conditions of Victory:
5 medals. Jardine’s Lookout is a temporary objective medal for the Axis. Axis player may also earn medals from Sabotaging the Searchlights (see below).
Special Rules:
The Lighthouse and Powerplant represent powerful searchlights to spot the invasion coming. The Japanese may attempt to Sabotage these (TP-7). While they are operational, Allies have unlimited visibility in the section where the searchlights exist. They also have unlimited visibility in the centre due to burning oil.
Night Rules are in effect (see searchlight above). With the following exception, no matter how many Stars are rolled, the dawn can only increase a maximum of one space per roll.
Japanese may play Air Power as Behind Enemy Lines.
Imperial Japanese Army Command rules British Commonwealth Forces Command
Scenario link
The third of Brummbär’s Hong Kong scenarios, and the only scenario I know of where the Axis are landing by sea (which means the board has to be ‘reversed’!).
My opponent failed to make good use of their Destroyers and their Infantry were quickly defeated on the beach. The Allies had very low losses, winning 5-0.
Unfortunately, we were unable to use the Sabotage rules because the number of Stars required is not specified in the Scenario description.
Nonetheless, an interesting and enjoyable game.